The Full Pink Moon, named by the indigenous people, comes from wild phlox, the first Spring flowers to bloom. Also known as the Waking Moon when animals came out of winter hibernation, this full moon celebrates the coming of Spring and heralds the time to plant.
What seeds do you care to sow in your garden of creativity? What wants to bloom open in you? We dance to embody our shaking off the winter's meditation and re-invigorate ourselves with new life. We dance to energize our dreams of creation. We dance to invite in the lightness of being. We affirm our juicy aliveness!
As guest facilitator of the monthly Full Moon Women's Dances held in Millcreek, this offering will be lightly facilitated as a 5Rhythms® moving meditation. No prior experience needed.
Warmup begins at 7:00.
Opening circle at 7:30, followed by movement.
Closing circle will conclude by 9:30pm.
$20-10 Sliding Scale for Adult Women
$10-5 Sliding Scale for Teens
No charge for those 12 and under