








Heeraa Sazevich

Bio, Press, Testimonials & 日本語










Heeraa Sazevich

Bio, Press, Testimonials & 日本語

Freedom... it has always been my bottom line, from as early as I can recall as a child staring out at the vast ocean. Releasing years of self-judgment and abiding in the peace of utter self-acceptance is the personal edge I dance. My key to healing and silence is the dynamic meditation path of conscious movement. Blessed with teachers Osho and Gabrielle Roth in this lifetime, embodied consciousness has been my deep exploration for the past two decades. My passion has lead me to feel inspired to share my discoveries as a teacher. Were I able to fan the flame of Liberation in even one soul, I would honor the great gifts I have been given by my teachers. To celebrate this life, to be free, to live our juiciness and silence, to disappear in the dance... it is my prayer for myself and all beings. 

DJ Heeraa

Heeraa Sazevich is a life-long dancer and meditator with a BA in Theater Arts UCLA. A 5RTA certified Heartbeat level teacher of the 5Rhythms based in Utah, she travels and teaches globally. Heeraa has danced the 5Rhythms since 1997, participating in many workshops with the source of the practice, Gabrielle Roth and her son Jonathan Horan. She studied classical Japanese dance and theater in Kyoto, Japan for six years, spent seven years in India practicing meditation and emotional release therapies and has built conscious dance communities on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and in Sun Valley, Idaho for over 12 years before becoming a 5Rhythms teacher. Heeraa combines her knowledge of 5Rhythms, theater, meditation and emotional release to create a safe and creative space for participants to let go and utterly embrace their whole selves through movement.

Listen to my mixes on Mixcloud

Enjoy my Instagram story as well!












"Dancing the 5Rhythms with Heeraa has enhanced my life in so many ways. At 75, I am feeling more joy and engagement in life than ever. It's like I have a second wind of energy and I didn't expect it. In addition to this, I have come to know myself in new ways. And, The 5Rhythms has my back - if I am stuck, I dance it; angry, dance it, overwhelmed or sad or in conflict, I dance it. Thank you Heeraa" ~ Beverley, Salt Lake City, Utah

The 5Rhythms retreat with Heeraa was exceptional. I have danced a lot in this life and been to a lot of retreats and workshops. At this retreat I learned even more about the elements and the styles of movement and energy associated with them. Heeraa guided us skillfully and shared her knowledge and presence in a way that kept us engaged from beginning to end. I am looking forward to doing more with this incredibly gifted leader. ~ Richard McFarland-Dorworth, Breathwork facilitator, Ketchum, ID, participant in Natural Mystic workshop

Heeraa is not to be missed. Playful, grounded, wise, and unapologetically real – she will invite you to find yourself, and grow yourself, as manifested through the chakras. The enthusiasm and care she brings to this work are infectious and create a beautiful container for self-discovery. ~ Sarah H, psychotherapist, UT, participant in Chakra Journey workshop

5Rhythms with Heeraa --- exhilarating, dynamic, deep and fun! fun! fun! Heeraa is a thoughtful, compassionate and joy-filled teacher that knows how to help each student dance their experiences. No judgement, no skill required! After a taste of 5Rhythms in an hour-long class 2 years ago, I was hooked --- and I go to every class, workshop and retreat that is in my area! Great for expressing and releasing all aspects of life! ~ Donna Pritchard, Artist/Energy Intuitive, Ketchum ID

I felt such a huge release when I was dancing; I discovered moves and new means of fighting my inner demons, and truly feel that this movement is contagious and most healthy for the human body. I see people in a new light when they dance and release. They go from being normal people off the street to beautiful creatures in motion. I love it.- Elise, university student

I attended Heeraa's 5Rhythms Chakra workshop. It was the first time I have truly felt shifted and transformed. And the feeling has not left. It has been the greatest healing and self care gift I've been given. Many thanks to Heeraa for guiding and show the way through one of my passions, dance! ~ Deana, Sun Valley, Idaho

Heeraa has a remarkable way of sharing her knowledge of each of the rhythms through her words and her body.  Her words and movements encourage you to keep moving, her choice of music is exceptional, the space feels safe and welcoming. She provides the opportunity to truly express and experience the joy of the dance. In participating in the 5Rhythms workshop with Heeraa, I found I could liberate myself from the force of my mind and open my heart to the beauty and love emanating from everything and everyone around me. ~ Irobela W., C & C of Honolulu 

I was blown away by the structure and flow of this dance workshop. It was the first dance workshop that I have ever taken and was truly impressed with the depth of emotional release and also the amount of fun that we all shared. By the end of the workshop, we were all glowing with the vibrance of 5 year olds. Loved it!!  ~ Blair Townley, participant in Let it Go/Let it Be Workshop in Honolulu, 2015

I have attended three 5Rhythms workshops with Heeraa in the past year and couldn't recommend them, or her deep, fun, juicy instruction and activity more highly. Shaking loose any non-constructive mental, emotional, or spiritual energies is so enjoyable… the people attending so willing, loving, and joyful in their personal dance. I always leave feeling so clear and bright and ready to flow more with life. ~  Nancy Stamp, Idaho healer 2016                                   

Your authenticity is so much appreciated. The joy that I feel when dancing with you is so incredible. Its something that I haven't felt since I was a little kid. Just pure spontaneous joy. Thank you for being that presence in my life.- V. Jokiel 

Heeraa offered the space and music to evoke our honesty/authenticity in the present moment... her suggestions were spoken from her Soul... gentle nudges into authentic exploration. ~ Manima Dancosse, Owner, Founder & Bodyworkser at Mana Massage, participant in Let it Go/Let it Be Workshop on Kauai 2015

I am so grateful that Heeraa has danced into my life by sharing her experience with the 5Rhythms. Usually I prefer to dance by myself, and am not comfortable freeing my body and soul in a group of strangers - but Heeraa has an amazing way of creating a sacred space that feels safe and comfortable for just letting go. Through dancing, I found a way to connect deeply with myself and others. I started the class with a lot of worries and fears weighing down my sense of excitment - but as we moved through each rhythm I could feel layers of self-doubt peeling away. Today I feel lighter both physically and energetically - transformed into a form of lightness that helps me float around the very obstacles that seemed so gigantic before the dance. ~ Krista Nielsen, Literacy Resource Teacher, participant in Let it Go/Let it Be Workshop in Honolulu 2015

The dance, the practice, the community, this is the first public place I entered after guiding my husband on to his next life. I felt safe here at a very challenging time in my life. The practice brings me peace and freedom to seek and find the steps, directions and connections between the world of my old life and this new life. I am blessed to have Heeraa in my life and having the opportunity to explore my practice of 5Rhythms in the sacred space of which she holds the door wide open for our entrance, presence and process. ~ S. Shopell

It is difficult to put my experience (dancing with Heeraa at the 5Rhythms workshop) into words. I experienced  incredible moments of freedom from the bondage of my human ego as well as moments of pride and glory in my humanity! It was tribal and independent; deeply connected to higher self and higher realms, (and fun.) What I have always loved about ecstatic dancing is that one need not be an excellent dancer. Every type of body and skill level is represented, it is glorious. By the end of the 4 hour workshop, we all looked like we had been dancing our whole lives anyway. I would recommend this experience to anyone who loves to express his or her feelings through movement, even if he may be shy, especially if he may be shy! Dancing with Heeraa has always been a safe, beautiful, ecstatic and tender way for me to feel ALIVE! Thank you Heeraa! ~ D. Robinson, nurse, participant in Let it Go/ Let it Be workshop Honolulu 2015

Heeraa reminded us to honor ourselves by letting us know that we could dance alone with little movement or dance all around the room interacting with others. She felt that the most important part was to be true to the process. During the next  90 minutes, Heeraa moved around the room making everyone feel comfortable and welcomed. At the end of the class, we all remained in silence to allow the dance to be absorbed within us. She reminded us that this is transformational work and to be gentle with ourselves and allow anything that comes up to be honored. Her choice of music and ability to choreograph the transitions from one song to another gives her the ability to help move people through different states of being. - Alysha L., healer    


dancer in Honolulu
5Rhythms Dance joy












ダンスと瞑想が私の情熱です。生まれたときから踊りはいわばライフワークでした。とある日、OSHOの動く瞑想(Moving Meditation)に魅せられ, インドにあるOSHOのセンターに6年も滞在しました。その後1997年にカリフォルニアに戻って来た時、ガブリエルロスの5リズムに出会い、真実を追究する人々とダンスに触れ、これこそが自分のホームなのだと確信しました。5リズムはここ18年の間で私を最も深く自分を引きつけるコアな道でした。

エクスタティックダンスを 12 年教えた後、2014年、ついに5リズムの認定講師となり、現在はハワイのホノルルを拠点に5リズムを教えています。


BLOG about dance experience: くままの部屋 in Hawaii -