Sweat Your Prayers for Open Floor

San Rafael, CA

Saturday, February 1

9:30 - 11:30 am


Sweat Your Prayers for Open Floor

Sausalito, CA

Sunday, February 23

10:30 am - 12:30 pm


Sweat Your Prayers for Open Floor

San Rafael, CA

Saturday, April 5

9:30 - 11:30 am


Guest teacher for The Gathering

July 11 - 13

Olympia, WA

Details TBA


Check out upcoming workshop offerings. 

Stay tuned!

These 5Rhythms sessions are a sublime and rocking invitation to let go and let yourself be. All that is needed is your curiosity, your big, beautiful breath and showing up for yourself in the name of freedom. 

This is a dynamic, moving meditation practice appropriate for all bodies and abilities. It is YOUR dance, your exploration that only you can do. No steps to learn; you follow your own leader.

Non-denominational. INTOXICANT-FREE

FAQS for newcomers

Each session provides a teaching piece that encourages participants to embody the universal wisdom of the 5Rhythms practice, lessons that are truly life tools beyond the dance floor. Beginning with a warm up on your own, we often move into a short teaching piece/demo followed by dancing a wave of music on your own to then assimilate and explore the suggested theme.

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