A 5Rhythms exploration of energy via the Elements connected to each rhythm: Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether. By embodying the qualities of each element in movement, we can receive valuable cellular information about how energy works within us, how it interacts with others in relationship and the world.
Flow connects us to our Earthy body and intuition. We find our ground and cultivate nurturance. Staccato ignites the Fire of our clarity, vision, expression and passion. Chaos cleanses us in it’s deep, wild waters. The path of least resistance, the Water element sweeps us into surrender and let go. Lyrical is the natural outcome of this wave of energy. We lighten up in the open field of Air, expanded, uninhibited and spontaneous. Landing in Stillness, we merge into Ether where all divisions cease and we are connected to all.
Enjoy soaking in the sacred waters of Lava Hot Springs for a weekend of deep healing and integration of body/mind/spirit.
"Movement is the movement of change. In my experience, if you put your psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is the medicine. Each of us has the power and responsibility to heal ourselves, to be our own medicine man or woman." ~ Gabrielle Roth, Founder of the 5Rhythms
Friday May 20 @7:00pm and ending Sunday, May 22 @5:30pm
$165 pre-registration by March 21, 2016 / $195 regular.
REGISTRATION contact Teresa Simmons: 1-208-403-4317
3-day residential retreat at Lava Hot Springs. We have pre-booked housing options available at reasonable additional cost to the workshop. Please contact Teresa for details. 2-3 nights possible. You may also arrange your own housing or camping. This can be tricky at the last minute as it's a popular getaway. Fisrt come, first serve for the housing options up to 20 guests. Pre-booking is strongly recommended.
No pre-requisites. All workshop hours count towards teacher training.
Lava Hot Springs