“I said, O Love I am frightened, but it’s not you.
Love said to me, there is nothing that is not me.
be silent.
I will whisper secrets in your ear
just nod yes
and be silent.
A soul moon appeared in the path of my heart.
How precious is this journey.” ~ Rumi
Dear Heart. Let us have a heart to heart. I am listening to you. You have my full attention.
So many feelings move us every day. We may push some away for fear they may engulf us. We repress feelings because they may feel “inconvenient” or “inappropriate.” Some subtly uncomfortable ones may hiss like static that we have learned to ignore. We still feel it all whether we want to or not; the heart is intrinsic to our being human. Can we stop and feel beneath our strategies to what our hearts may be saying?
In this workshop, we explore becoming more relaxed and fluid with our emotional states so that they move through us instead of becoming stuck and creating dis-ease. We listen to the whispers of our hearts and invite our bodies to express our truth.
This journey is more about our emotions as energy, as power, moving energy more than our personal stories. In Heartbeat, we practice releasing our hold on our emotions and their hold on us. It is an opportunity to transform our relationship to our patterns and set ourselves free. The dance floor will be a safe container where we welcome, express and release feelings with compassion.
Prerequisites: 5Rhythms Waves workshop or classes. This is a Heartbeat level workshop Hours fulfill teacher training requirements.
Contact Heeraa for info & registration: heeraa@5rhythms-heeraa.com 808-282-5151
Credit cards and Paypal accepted on the links below. For other options, please contact Teresa.
20% Discount offered to 5Rhythms teachers and teachers in training