Dance into deep connection with The Whole. This 5Rhythms® dance invites us to explore the elemental energy connected to each rhythm: Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Ether. Embodying these universal energies, we experience how they shape our lives and relationships and find greater balance and peace with all. Open to all levels of experience and abilities.
Flowing connects us to our Earthy body and intuition. We find our ground and cultivate nurturance.
Staccato ignites the Fire of our clarity, vision, expression and passion.
Chaos cleanses us in it’s deep, wild Waters. Taking the path of least resistance, the Water element sweeps us into surrender and let go.
Lyrical is the natural outcome of this wave of energy. We lighten up in the open field of Air, expanded, uninhibited and spontaneous.
In Stillness, we merge into Ether where all divisions cease and we are connected to all.
$15 at the door (cash, check)